Request a demo today to see how storytrek could benefit your Media business.
Request a demo today to see how storytrek could benefit your Media business.
Enables companies to plan, repurpose, create, monetize, show and have a complete view & understanding of ALL their CONTENT by story. This helps companies to serve their audiences better. They can do this thanks to storytrek ECLM features that draw together the most up-to-date content data and provide insights that make teams participating in content’s lifecycle, more productive and efficient.
As technology has advanced and as AI starts to be harnessed and governed, the number of available storytrek ECLM features continue to grow, for example the storytrek Enterprise Content Well ( ECW ) This is great news for businesses that want to provide better content for their audiences faster and more effectively. It can be a challenge to understand exactly which features might serve a specific organization’s needs.
To help, we’ve prepared this list of the essential features of storytrek ECLM
To find out more detail please contact us @
ALL your existing content will be automatically organized & structured by story with their key attributes e.g. Title, Platforms ( distribution channels ), Categories/Genres Sub Cats/Genres, story types, Links to Core Content Systems, Creator name, Publish/Drop/Broadcast Dates -as individual "Parent stories" ALL in the storytrek Enterprise Content Well ( ECW )
When content by story data is siloed in different places, it can be hard to keep up with the latest information. That’s where the storytrek ECW can help.
storytrek ECW brings that information together in a unified and structured way, unlocking trapped data and allowing any authorized team member in any part of the content lifecycle- understand & use it. Measure Audience Performance of Existing Content by story & Improve ROI for future Content. Quickly accessing the information you need.
Identify themes and patterns from one place. Measure & Understand Content ROI provided by existing stories. Choose successful stories & Use Parent /Child story functionality to re-imagine chosen stories and repurpose them from the storytrek ECW. Do this in complete synchronization ( bi-directionally ) with your existing Core Content systems.
For example; repurpose existing content to different formats/Platforms e.g. story type; features to short / long form videos. or create Marketing assets from existing content and link Enterprise Content Lifecycle activities with sales & marketing ( via the storytrek Story Object with Customer Object integration with your CRM system ).
Assign, Review, Approve or Reject tasks with deadlines securely to all internal or external Story contributors from your content lifecycle extended network working on story repurposing or brand new stories. Use storytrek functionality to check status’ and approve or reject any newly generated content by story, before passing to your Core Content systems directly from storytrek
Use storytrek linked story functionality to link re-purposed “child story” content with the original “parent story” in the ECW
Use storytrek Task Templates to create & automate Tasks given to Generative AI
Use storytrek functionality to check status’ and approve, edit or reject & re-do any newly AI generated content before passing to your Core content Systems directly from storytrek
Govern and Track any interactions made between the ECW and your;
Use storytrek functionality to ensure compliance with a growing list of AI regulatory authentication and audit trail requirements
The storytrek enterprise database sits on top of its own enterprise data warehouse. Ensuring reporting and querying across multiple content attributes has no impact on production database performance..